聖誕節英文歌曲《Merry Christmas》的歌詞如下:
Build a fire and gather'round the tree(生起壹簇火來歡聚在聖誕樹下),Fill the glass and maybe come and sing with me(斟滿酒杯隨後和我來引吭高歌),So kiss me under the mistletoe(那就請在槲寄生下親吻我),Pour out the wine,let's toast and pray for December snow(斟滿紅酒讓我們舉杯歡慶為十二月的雪落而祈禱)。
I know there's been pain this year,but it's time to let it go(雖然今年有過痛苦但就讓其隨風消散吧),Next year,you never know,but for now,Merry Christmas(就算明年仍然未知但此時此刻祝妳聖誕節快樂),We'll dance in the kitchen while embers glow(我們在廚房裏起舞未燃盡的木柴閃著火光)。
We've both known love,but this love we got is the best of all(對於愛我們了如指掌但我們彼此的愛無與倫比),I wish you could see it through myеyes and you would know(我希望妳能在讀懂我的眼神後明白),My god,you look beautiful right now,Merry Christmas(我的天吶妳現在外表驚艷祝妳聖誕節快樂)。
Thеfire is raging on(火焰熊熊燃燒),And we'll all sing along to this song(我們都引吭高唱起這首歌),Just having so much fun(縱享美滿的樂趣),While we're here,then we all spare a thought(當我們歡聚於此時能否都將會掛念),For the ones who have gone(那些已逝之人呢)。
Merry Christmas,everyone(祝所有人都聖誕節快樂),Ah,ah,ah,ah,Ah,ah,ah,ah,So just keep kissing me under the mistletoe(那就請在槲寄生下親吻我),Pour out the wine,let's toast and pray for December snow(斟滿紅酒讓我們舉杯歡慶為十二月的雪落而祈禱)。
I know there's been pain this year,but it's time to let it go(雖然今年有過痛苦但就讓其隨風消散吧),Next year,you never know,for now,Merry Christmas(就算明年仍然未知但此時此刻祝妳聖誕節快樂),We'll dance in the kitchen while embers glow(我們在廚房裏起舞未燃盡的木柴閃著火光)。
We both know love,but this love we got is the best of all(對於愛我們了如指掌但我們彼此的愛無與倫比),I wish you could see it through my eyes and you would know(我希望妳能在讀懂我的眼神後明白),My god,you look beautiful right now,Merry Christmas(我的天吶妳此刻外表驚艷祝妳聖誕節快樂)。
I feel it where it comes(我有預感每年聖誕節的到來),Every year havin'us carry on(都將伴隨著我們砥礪渡過難關),Fill up with so much love(滿載著愛意),All the family and friends are together where we all belong(親朋好友都陪伴在我們身旁)。
Merry Christmas,everyone(祝所有人都聖誕節快樂),Ah,ah,ah,ah,Ah,ah,ah,ah,Ah,ah,ah,ah,Ah,ah,ah,ah,It's Christmas time for you and I(屬於妳我的聖誕時節),We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas(我們將歡度良宵享受美好聖誕),It's Christmas time for you and I(屬於妳我的聖誕時節)。
We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas(我們將歡度良宵享受美好聖誕),It's Christmas time for you and I(屬於妳我的聖誕時節),We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas(我們將歡度良宵享受美好聖誕)。
It's Christmas time for you and I(屬於妳我的聖誕時節),We'll have a good night and a Merry Christmas time(我們將歡度良宵享受美好聖誕)。
=關於聖誕節期最早的記載來自公元200年左右的亞歷山太,其時亞歷山太的革利免稱,有些埃及神學家不僅對基督的生年,同時也對他的生日過分好奇,並把這個生日定在奧古斯都在朝的第二十八年Pachon月25日(即陽歷5月20日)。325年的第壹次尼西亞公會議時亞歷山太的教會確定了dies Nativitatis et Epiphaniae(聖誕節和主顯節的日期)。