Mapo tofu is made as follows:(麻婆豆腐的做法如下:)
1、Prepare a fresh piece of tender tofu and a package of mapo tofu seasoning(準備壹塊新鮮的嫩豆腐,準備壹包麻婆豆腐調料包):
2、Cut the bean curd into 2*2cm pieces, then quickly boil them in boiling water, then remove(將豆腐切成2*2cm大小的塊,在開水中快速燙開,隨後撈起):
3、Fry the oil, onion, ginger and garlic in the pan, then add the seasoning in the seasoning packet(在鍋內放入油,蔥,姜,蒜煎炒,之後放入調料包內的調料):
4、Wait until the pot smell after the addition of prepared tofu block(等到鍋內出現香味後加入事先準備好的豆腐塊):
5、Add a little minced meat after proper stirring, then continue to stir for a period of time, juice can be(適當翻炒後加入少許肉末,之後再繼續翻炒壹段時間,收汁即可):
Here's how to make mapo tofu.(以下就是麻婆豆腐的做法了)