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卡倫·卡朋特(Karen Carpenter)及其兄理查德·卡朋特(Richard Capenters)出生於美國康涅狄格州,理查德是位很有才華的藝人,演唱、彈琴、制作及歌曲創作均可勝任,與其妹組建樂隊後,甘為配角為妹妹寫歌,伴奏。他們自幼就擁有良好的音樂環境。1969年,他們帶著自錄的音樂走遍洛杉磯,終於在A&M唱片公司,他們迎來了成功的曙光。 1969年11月15日,首張專輯《CLOSE TO YOU》發行,專輯中的同名歌曲瞬即榮登排行榜首。從此,卡朋特兄妹演唱組的事業蒸蒸日上,不斷有佳作問世。但好景不長,卡倫因慢性厭食和神經過敏於1983年2月4日死在深愛她的父母懷中。她死時只有三十二歲。木匠樂隊也到此終結。但卡倫·卡朋特那清新、健康的旋律,略帶憂郁的中音,親切自然的演唱卻永遠讓我們難以忘懷。


When I was young

I'd listen to the radio

Waitin' for my favorite songs

When they played I'd sing along

It made me smile.

Those were such happy times

And not so long ago

How I wondered where they'd gone

But they're back again

Just like a long lost friend

All the songs I loved so well.

Every Sha-la-la-la

Every Wo-o-wo-o

Still shines

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling

That they're startin' to sing's

So fine.

When they get to the part

Where he's breakin' her heart

It can really make me cry

Just like before

It's yesterday once more.

Lookin' back on how it was

In years gone by

And the good times that I had

Makes today seem rather sad

So much has changed.

It was songs of love that

I would sing to then

And I'd memorize each word

Those old melodies

Still sound so good to me

As they melt the years away.

Every Sha-la-la-la

Every Wo-o-wo-o

Still shines

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling

That they're startin' to sing's

So fine.

All my best memories

Come back clearly to me

Some can even make me cry.

Just like before

It's yesterday once more.