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感恩節馬上就要到了,之所以稱之為感恩節,是要讓我們跟我們的親人朋友,以及那些幫助過關心過我們的人表達我們的感激之情,那麽妳知道2020年感恩節是幾月幾日嗎?今天小編就給大家分享壹下2020年感恩節是幾月幾日 感恩節的由來(雙語)。


Thanksgiving in 2020 is Thursday, November 26, 2020.



Source of Thanksgiving


The origin of Thanksgiving has always been traced back to the beginning of American history. In 1620, the famous Mayflower was loaded with 102 Puritans who could not stand the British religious persecution and arrived in the Americas. In the winter of 1620 and 1621, they encountered unimaginable difficulties and were in hunger and cold. In the past winter, there were only 50 immigrants who survived. At this time, the kind-hearted Indians sent necessities to the immigrants, and specially sent people to teach them how to hunt, fish and grow corn and pumpkins.


White immigrants and Indians have established close friendships. In November of this year, the corn harvested, the immigrants held a hearty gratitude meeting, using the roast turkey and corn cakes to treat the Indians. The Indians attended a party with a variety of corn products, roasted turkey, pumpkin pie, wild grapes and corn wine pulp. People sang and danced all night long. Later, at the end of November after the annual corn harvest, the white immigrants who settled here will hold a gratitude meeting, roasting turkeys, cooking corn food, and treating Indians.
