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復活節島(Easter Island) 當地稱“拉帕努伊島”,意即“石像的故鄉”。太平洋東南部島嶼。位於南緯27°10'、西經109°31'。由復活節島和周圍壹些小島組成,陸地面積120平方公裏。人口約 2,000,主要是波利尼西亞人。屬熱帶海洋性氣候。火山島,土壤肥沃。自 1888年起歸智利管轄,行政屬智利瓦爾帕萊索省。產甘蔗、香蕉、玉米等,並產魚、蝦。經濟主要是畜牧業和旅遊業。島上有巨大石像等文物古跡,被稱作“神秘之島”。首府杭加羅阿,在島的西南部,附近有飛機場。建有美國衛星跟蹤和氣象觀察站。

Easter Island (Easter Island) locally called "Rapa Nui", which means "the hometown of stone". The Southeast Pacific islands. Located in the south of latitude 27 degrees west longitude 109 degrees 31', 10'. Composed of Easter Island and around some islands, land area of 120 square kilometers. A population of about 2000, mainly polynesians. Genus of tropical marine climate. A volcanic island, fertile soil. Since 1888 to Chile under the jurisdiction of administrative belongs to Chile in Valparaiso province. Production of sugar cane, banana, corn, and fish and shrimp. Economy is mainly animal husbandry and tourism. There is a huge stone heritage on the island, known as the "mysterious island". The capital of Hangzhou Garro ah, in the island's southwest, near the airport. Built with American satellite tracking and meteorological observation station.