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肉末海參 Minced meat trepang,

原殼鮑魚 the original shell abalone,

油爆海螺 conch platter,

大蝦燒白菜 prawn roasted cabbage,

嶗山菇燉雞 known mushroom chicken,

黃魚燉豆腐 fish stew slowly bean curd,

酸辣魚丸 hot and sour pork,

炸蠣黃 Bombing injured Huang

香酥雞 crisp chicken

家常燒牙片魚 Allah burn teeth films fish Lachao clams,

辣炒蛤蜊 Hot fried clams

海菜涼粉 Haicai grass

烤肉串(魷魚)bare string (squid),

醬豬蹄 paste pork hoof,

鮁魚水餃 Bayu dumplings,

三鮮鍋貼 double fried dumpling,

白菜肉包 cabbage meat

海鮮鹵面 seafood Lumian

雞湯餛飩 wonton soup

排骨米飯 ribs rice