当前位置 - 養生大全網 - 養生之道 - 介紹壹下由艾瑪羅伯茨(Emma Roberts)演的<壹本正經(Unfabulous)>

介紹壹下由艾瑪羅伯茨(Emma Roberts)演的<壹本正經(Unfabulous)>


語言: 英語 English

制片國家或地區: 美國 USA


主要演員有:EmmaRoberts、Malese Jow、Jordan Calloway.

Season 1(更新完畢) :

101 - the.party


102 - the.secret


103 - the.picture


104 - book.clubun


105 - the.pal


106 - the.rep


107 - the.pink.guitar


108 - the.66th.day


109 - the.list.of.kissed


110 - the.b.word


111 - the.little.sister


112 - the.partner


113 - the.bar.mitzvah


Season 2(缺少第9集) :

201 - the.rhinoceros.in.the.middle.of.the.room


202 - the.balancing.act


203 - the.job


204 - the.eye.randy.avi


205 - the.road.trip.avi


206 - the.charity.case.avi


207 - the.information.avi


208 - the.dark.side.avi


210 - the.perfect.couple.avi


211 - the.drama.avi


212 - The Set Up


213 - the.last.day.of.7th.grade.avi


214 - the.perfect.moment.part1.ws.avi


215 - the.perfect.moment.part2.ws.avi


Season 3 更新完畢)

301 - The Toot


302 - The Song


303 - the new best friend


304 - The Auction


305 - The Two Timer


306 - the.l.bomb


307 - The Birthday


308 - The Project


309 - The Quest


310 - The Test


311 - The Talent Show


312,313 - The Best Trip Ever
