当前位置 - 養生大全網 - 養生之道 - 請給我壹個電子郵箱自動回復的英文!



1、Thank you. Your email is received and will be handled ?as soon as possible。(謝謝妳。您的郵件已收到,我會盡快處理)。

2、This is an automatic reply, confirming that your email was received.I will reply as soon as possible.Thank you(這是自動回復,已確認收到您的電子郵件.我將盡快回復,謝謝)。

3、Thank you for your letter, it has been added to the queuing system.(謝謝妳的來信,它已被添加到列隊等候系統)。

4、Hi, I was thinking about what you just sent me. Please wait by the computer and wait for my reply.(嗨,我在想妳剛剛發給我的東西。請侯在電腦旁邊等我回復)。

5、I won't have time to delete your email until I come back from vacation. Be patient, I'll deal with it in the order you sent it.(要等我休假回來我才有時間刪妳發來的郵件哦。耐心點,我會按妳發的順序依次處理的)。