当前位置 - 養生大全網 - 養生知識 - 求!!如何制作香蕉奶昔。的英語作文!!


Banana peeled, cut into four and a cup of yogurt and ice cubes into the food mixer with a few years, stirring one minute. Shannon refreshing cup of cold drink and draw come. If you want to taste sweeter can add some more sugar.

主料:香蕉 2 個 配料:鮮牛奶 1 袋(245ml)

做法:1、將香蕉剝去皮,切成小段,放入榨汁機裏,或裝入手搖式的搖搖杯,搖出的奶昔效果也不錯; 2、將袋鮮牛奶先放在冰箱裏冷藏,用時取出倒入榨汁機或搖搖杯裏; 3、啟動榨汁機,用點壓的方式榨汁,不要連續榨汁時間過長; 4、看杯中沒有塊狀香蕉,液體變得濃稠即可倒出裝杯食之。