1, flour larger pot, slowly adding clean water and stir with chopsticks into the floc, and then his hands bunched up into a smooth dough moderate hardness, covered with plastic wrap put aside put it aside;
2, pluck celery leaves, torn off the old bars , wash water Drain and cut into Xiaoding;
3, with a small amount of boiled milk pot will be open into the pepper, Luezhu off after the fire. Fishing to the pepper and let cool namely prickly ash water;
4, into the meat in an egg, add a little pepper in water, forced to use chopsticks Soon stirring in one direction, by adding appropriate amount of soy sauce, cooking wine, sesame oil, sugar, salt, onion ginger at the end, pepper powder and a little five-spice powder, stir evenly supreme effort, and then put celery Stir;
5, remove the dough, chopping board slightly rubbed rubbed some Bomian look, the dough is divided into a number of copies, to take on the case of a board, rubbing strips , made agent son, squash, roll into a dumpling skin, packets into the filling shape into dumplings; so repeatedly until the noodles and the meat fully utilized;
6, making a pot of water, open, under the dumplings, while the side under the dumplings colander in one direction with the push of cis-bottom of the pot to prevent sticking. Covered with lid, and so the water was opened, Tim some cold water. Tim two or three times in water, dumplings all float, swelling, and you can fish out.
英語也是與電腦聯系最密切的語言,大多數編程語言都與英語有聯系,而且隨著網絡的使用,英文的使用更普及。英語是聯合國的工作語言之壹。 蘇格蘭語、低地撒克遜語、丹麥語、德語、荷蘭語、南非荷蘭語和英語也很接近。擁有法國血統的諾曼人於11世紀征服英格蘭王國,帶來數萬法語詞匯和拉丁語詞匯,很大程度地豐富了英語詞匯外,相對也驅使不少原生的語匯作廢。