My favouriate thing is to taste all kinds of delicious food every day. One of them is called Ya Xue Feng Si. The food is good not only in smell but also in colour, but the method of cooking it is very simple. Before starting the fire, you should make preparations for it.First, you clean some vegetables and the blood of duck and put them in bowls for use. Second, put some proper water in the pot. When the water is hot, put the blood in the hot water. after five minutes, put the vegetables into the water. Finally, put the food into the bowl,and put some special star anise. You will enjoy it with the whole soul and heart. 我最喜愛的事是品嘗各種美食的每壹天。其中壹個叫鴨血粉絲。食物好不僅在嗅覺也在色彩,但烹調的方法也很簡單。在開始火,妳應該做壹點準備。首先,妳潔凈蔬菜和血鴨放在碗使用。其次,把壹些水在鍋裏。當水是熱的,把血液中的熱水。五分鐘後,把蔬菜放到水裏。最後,把食物放進碗裏,放些特別的八角茴香。