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鯽魚燉蛋 stewing carp and eggs

椒鹽排骨 salted ribs

紅煨鱔筒 red far eels tube

青椒肚絲 Green pepper stomach

三色肚片 three-color film belly

尖椒牛柳 shredded beef

糖醋排骨 Sweet-and-sour spare ribs

銀魚泡蛋 Whitebait foam egg

萵苣炒蛋 Lettuce and Eggs

油燜茄子 oil eggplant

家常豆腐 family eggplant

麻辣豆腐 Peppery bean curd

大燒百葉 The burning Moye

肉末粉絲煲 meat of fans burn

家常豆腐煲 family eggpiant pot

魚香茄子煲 Eggplant burn Yuxiang

素什錦煲 salad pot

上湯莧菜 Amaranth on soup

幹煸四季豆 Speculation beans

蒜泥四季豆 Garlic beans

雞仔明爐 Chicken Hot Pot

酸菜魚明爐 Sauerkraut fish that furnace

金針肥牛 Lilies fat and sleek cows

回鍋肉 Cook twice meat

幹鍋雞 Drying chicken pot

紅煨肉 Red meat far

涼拌口條 Mouth of the cold

蔥油海蜇 Chuangyou jellyfish

蜜汁番茄 Tomato nectar

椒鹽花生 Salted peanuts

鹽水花生 Peanut brine