節日期間,各國基督教徒都舉行隆重的紀念儀式。 During the holiday season, national Christians held a grand ceremony.
聖誕節本來是基督教徒的節日,由於人們格外重視,它便成為壹個全民性的節日,是西方國家壹年中最盛大的節日,可以和新年相提並論,類似我國過春節。 Christmas was originally a Christian holiday, as people paid special attention, it will become a national holiday in the Western countries the year's biggest holidays, New Year's can be comparable to, similar to China's Spring Festival.
西方人以紅、綠、白三色為聖誕色,聖誕節來臨時家家戶戶都要用聖誕色來裝飾。 Westerners with red, green, white and three colors for the Christmas colors, Christmas comes each household must be used to decorate the Christmas colors.
紅色的有聖誕花和聖誕蠟燭。 Red with Christmas flowers and Christmas candles. 綠色的是聖誕樹。 Green is the Christmas tree.
它是聖誕節的主要裝飾品,用砍伐來的杉、柏壹類呈塔形的常青樹裝飾而成。 It is the main Christmas ornaments, with cut to the cedar, cypress was a kind of evergreen tree decorated pyramid formed.
上面懸掛著五顏六色的彩燈、禮物和紙花,還點燃著聖誕蠟燭。 Colorful lanterns hanging above, gifts and paper flowers, but also lit the Christmas candles.
紅色與白色相映成趣的是聖誕老人,他是聖誕節活動中最受歡迎的人物。 Exist side by side is the red and white Santa Claus, he is the most popular Christmas activity characters.
西方兒童在聖誕夜臨睡之前,要在壁爐前或枕頭旁放上壹只襪子,等候聖誕老人在他們入睡後把禮物放在襪子內。 Western children go to bed on Christmas Eve prior to the fireplace or put a pillow next to the socks, waiting for Santa Claus to fall asleep after they put on the socks in a gift.
在西方,扮演聖誕老人也是壹種習俗。 In the West, to play Santa Claus is also a custom.