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A three-day harvest celebration held in 1621 in Plymouth Colony (part of today'sMassachusetts) is generally considered to be the first American Thanksgiving. ThePilgrims had arrived the year before on the ship The Mayflower. They hadn’ t broughtenough food, and it was too late to plant crops. Half the colony died during the winterof 1620-1621. In the spring, local Wampanoag lndians taught the colonists how to growcorn (maize) and other crops, and helped them master hunting and fishing. They alsoshowed the colonists how to cook cranberries, corn and squash.


1621年在普利茅斯殖民地(Plymouth Colony),即今天的馬薩諸塞州(Massachusetts),人們舉行為時三天的豐收慶典活動,壹般被視為美洲的第壹個感恩節。前壹年,英國清教徒們乘坐“五月花”號(The Mayflower)抵達美洲大陸。他們沒有帶足夠的糧食,重新種莊稼又太晚。1620至1621年冬,這個殖民地的壹半人口不幸喪生。到了春天,當地萬帕諾亞格部落的印第安人(Wampanoag Indians)向外來移民介紹如何種植玉米和其他莊稼,並幫助他們學會狩獵和捕魚。他們還教他們如何烹制越橘、玉米和南瓜。