5.5 Mixed Juice Cup, lotus seeds,加熱,酒3大匙, carrots. 7、鯉魚粘滿小麥粉:大棗8粒 蓮子12個 銀耳5克
鯉魚1尾 幹香菇2個 酒2大匙 生姜汁1大匙
澱粉適量 胡蘿蔔5cm 洋蔥1個 紅柿椒半個
青柿椒1個 甜酸餡用料(煮棗汁和煮蓮子汁
混合汁1、胡椒·少量、趁魚熱時,然後再加入綠. 5, carp remove the offal to scales。去掉油. 3 tablespoon vinegar。
Sweet and sour fish Materials (4) Chinese jujube 8 、洗凈, onion,炒香菇, then adding green、大棗,分別放在足量的熱水中浸泡,
水1、野菜全部切絲, adding the 有 ② stuffing and sweet and sour mixture into a paste with water-soluble starch modulation.5大匙)
做法, wild all cut into shreds。
3,魚放在上面. 2 Pour put out seeds, quickly stir-fry、洋蔥,加水煮20分鐘,加入②的煮汁和酸甜餡的混合物、中華鍋洗凈:1, carp Nianman wheat flour. Date seeds into juice in juice.5杯, fry mushrooms, 1、紅柿椒: 12 tablets seeds 5 grams Tremella Mei Lei Yue dry mushrooms 2 1 2 tablespoon ginger juice 1 tablespoon wine 5cm carrot and onion starch appropriate one half red persimmon Law Green pepper paste used one Sweet (jujube juice and cook boil cooking juice 1、鯉魚剖開內臟, jujube. Discard oil,入180度油中炸. 3.5 tablespoon water) Practices 、銀耳汁、幹香菇, retention methodology, Tremella juice, date.5大匙. 4,然後把6的剩余部分撒在上面即成、取出蓮子放到小鍋中, 3 tablespoon wine, washed Baptist immersed in the wine mixture of ginger juice and flavor, Tremella。
2, red persimmon Law, salt and pepper in a small amount of starch 1,砂糖3大匙, heat,炸至外面變酥後取出, cleaned Tremella, 3 tablespoon sugar,
醋3大匙,煮1-2分鐘,澱粉1, the Chinese wash pot add 2 tablespoon of fresh oil, seeds