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愚人節用英文可以表達為 "April Fool's Day"。


April Fool's Day: 英音 /?e?pr?l fu?lz de?/,美音 /?e?pr?l ?fuz de?/


1. Prank Day:惡作劇節

2. Joke Day:開玩笑的壹天

3. Fool's Day:傻瓜節

4. Hoax Day:欺騙日

5. Trickster's Day:欺騙者日


語法詳解: "April Fool's Day" 是壹個名詞短語,常用於表示傳統節日。?



1. Don't believe everything you hear on April Fool's Day, it might just be a prank.(在愚人節不要輕信所聽到的壹切,這可能只是惡作劇而已。)

2. She played a hilarious joke on her colleague on April Fool's Day and everyone couldn't stop laughing.(她在愚人節上給同事玩了壹個超搞笑的玩笑,每個人都笑得停不下來。)

3. April Fool's Day is a fun holiday to pull harmless pranks on your friends and family.(國際愚人節是壹個給親朋好友開個小玩笑的趣味假日。)

4. He fell for her prank on April Fool's Day and got embarrassed in front of everyone.(他在愚人節上被她的惡作劇耍得很狼狽,讓所有人都看到了。)

5. The school arranged a few fun activities on April Fool's Day to celebrate the holiday.(學校安排了壹些有趣的活動來慶祝這個國際傳統節日——愚人節。)