当前位置 - 養生大全網 - 夏季養生 - 求教!翻譯let's call the whole thing off這首歌?真是看不懂啊!我分不多,不好意思!

求教!翻譯let's call the whole thing off這首歌?真是看不懂啊!我分不多,不好意思!


Things have come to a pretty pass 好時光儼然成回憶

Our romance is growing flat 我們的羅曼史日漸平淡無奇

For you like this and the other 因為妳有妳所愛

while I go for this and that 我有我所鐘

Goodness knows what the end will be 天知道我們將如何收場

I don't know where I'm at 我也不知道將來在何方

It looks as if we two will never be one 貌似我倆人終於有緣無份

Something must be done. 但總不能坐視愛情自生自亡

You say either 妳說也許

And I say either 我說或許

You say neither 妳說既不

And I say neither 我說也不

Either, either, neither, neither 也許,或許;既不,也不

Let's call the whole thing off 咱們幹脆就此算了吧

You like potatoes 妳愛洋芋

And I like potatoes 我愛土豆

You like tomatoes妳愛番茄

And I like tomatoes我愛柿子

Potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes 洋芋,土豆;番茄,柿子

Let's call the whole thing off 咱們幹脆就此算了吧

But oh, if we call the whole thing off 如果我們就此為止

Then we must part 我們就此分手

And oh, if we ever part 而如果我們分手

Then that might break my heart 我的心就會傷透

So it you like pajarnas and I like pajamas 所以如果妳愛睡衣,我愛睡袍

I'll wear pajamas and give up pajamas 我就會穿著睡衣不再穿睡袍

For we know we need each other 因為我們知道我倆終究離不開

So we'd better call the calling off, off 就別再說什麽分道揚鑣

Let's call the whole thing off 最好就此打住吧

So if you go for oysters 所以如果我吃扇貝

And I go for oysters 妳吃龍蝦

I'll order oysters and cancel the oysters 那好吧,別再爭了,咱就點龍蝦

For we know we need each other 因為我們知道我倆終究離不開

So we'd better call the calling off, off 就別再說什麽分道揚鑣

Let's call the whole thing off 最好就此打住吧


《分道揚鑣》是1937年George Geshwin和Ira Geshwin兩兄弟為音樂喜劇《壹舞傾情》創作的爵士樂曲。歌曲本身所表現的是壹對本來情投意合的男女招架不住平淡生活的拉練,開始為分手尋找各種堂而皇之的理由。然而真要分手時才發現即使面目可憎的伴侶仍牽扯了自己割不斷的情誼。




