当前位置 - 養生大全網 - 夏季養生 - 我想吃面條和果汁用英語怎麽說


我想吃面條和果汁用英語說是I would like noodles and juice.

吃面條的英文單詞釋義:eat the noodles;have some noodles;Eating noodles


1、他真的非常喜歡吃面條。He does like to eat noodles.

2、我寧願吃面條也不吃米飯。I would rather have noodles than rice.

3、她說:“我們吃面條和椰菜,”廉姆補充說:“還有春卷。”“We got noodles and broccoli,” she said. “And an egg roll,” Liam added.?

4、許多人寧願呆在旅店吃面條。Many stay in suburban hotels and eat noodles.

5、我們只吃面條和饅頭。We just eat noodles or buns.