当前位置 - 養生大全網 - 養生知識 - 樂山的特色美食有哪些?用英文怎麽說啊?(像西壩豆腐、牛華麻辣燙……什麽的)寫英語作文要用


樂山境內飲食風味與四川其它地方雷同,以其麻辣味聞名於海外,有“食在中國,味在四川”之美譽,濃郁地方特色菜和小吃種類繁多。樂山小吃久負盛名,許多成都名小吃均源於樂山,樂山缽缽雞、白宰雞、來鳳魚、跳水兔、玻璃燒賣、蒸籠牛肉夾餅、豆腐幹夾蘿蔔絲等。樂山數得上來的樂山美食有西壩豆腐、蘇稽蹺腳牛肉、牛華麻辣燙、甜皮鴨、缽缽雞、牛華豆腐腦、樂山燒烤、黃燜雞、排骨面、臘肉粽子、砂鍋、涼粉、蘇稽香油米花糖……  The Leshan territory or food elsewhere in Sichuan similar overseas famous for its spicy flavor, "food in China, taste in Sichuan" reputation, strong local specialties and a wide range of snacks. The Leshan snacks for a long prestigious the many from the Leshan, Leshan Bobo chicken, white chicken slaughter, Laifeng fish, diving rabbit, glass Dumplings, steamer beef burgers, tofu folder radish. The Leshan count up Leshan Food the Xiba tofu, Suji Rocker foot beef, cattle China Mala, sweet Duck, Bobo chicken, cattle Chinese bean curd, the Leshan barbecue, yellow chicken stew, ribs noodles, bacon dumplings, casseroles, jelly the Suji oil Mihua Tang ......